Hope is the answer!

Finished School Building, This is what you did!!

Greetings to you all. God is pleased because you are generous and faithful givers.  Thank you. God will bless your efforts.

James 1:27 says, Religion that God our Father accepts is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress... I think Jesus would also add the kids living in the streets alone and the destitute families.  My goal for this newsletter is to touch your heart and reaffirm what your donated dollars are doing in Jesus' name.

I know you all have a special spot in your heart for God's children and teenagers.  You are following Jesus' Great Commission by being the hands and feet of the Lord.  Matt 28:19 says: Therefore go and make disciples of ALL nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.  Surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age..  Your gifts are sharing God's love with them.  Here is how your love is being shared.  Primarily your monies place the kids in a school which provides a good education, so that eventually they can give back to their community.  The kids receive school supplies, many are transported to local schools and some attend boarding schools, where they have housing, food and education.  Often clothing, shoes and limited medical care is purchased as well.

Your dollars also maintain the Divine Soccer Ministry and staff through which children not only learn soccer skills, but are taught the Word of God.  The ministry gets the kids off the streets and guides them to good fellowship with peers.  The children learn responsibility, integrity and leadership skills. Your dollars impact and change lives, bringing hope to those who had no hope.  The kids have goals now to make a difference in life in Masaka, Uganda. School and other activities direct them to safety and less of a chance of being caught up in sex trafficking, drugs and alcohol.  The families are so thrilled and grateful for their kids to be a part of the Divine Ministries Program.  Whether your gift is $30.00/month, $45.00/month or funding for special projects like the Hope House and Divine Junior School, your gift changes a life of poverty to a life of HOPE.

Our children are learning to care for one another and love doing it.  You are supporting intelligent, eager youth who willingly give back their respect and love.  When we visit, the kids keep saying thank you for this better life.  Tears came to my eyes when one of "our" kids signed their school book Pauline Bodendorfer.  They truly consider themselves part of our family.

David and I depend on you to share the message and mission of Rock Kidz Uganda.  Some of you are close enough that we can bring a program to your church, if you'd like, others are many miles away.  We are sure though that you know others who have a passion for helping destitute children.  Would you please share about our ministry with these people?  Rock Kidz Uganda, Inc is an advocacy program in the USA to raise money for DSM and is a calling for David and myself.  We do this job for Jesus' honor and glory and the furtherance of God's kingdom.   Thank you for all your prayer support and your dollars.  We look forward to what Jesus has in store for DSM.  We rejoice in the addition of new donors and making new friends.

I plan on going to Masaka near the end of February.  If you have letters, pictures or small gifts for me to take to your children, send them to me immediately.


God bless you abundantly,

David & Marilee Bodendorfer

1814 E. Third St.

Salem, OH 44460

330 277 6118



We accept checks or you can send funds through Paypal@ rockkidzuganda@gmail.com

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